today we took a sabbath because we were exhausted and knew that we would have a hectic few days ahead of us. Weekends aren't exactly relaxing when you're doing ministry. So we went to Spiderman 2, which was tons of fun. It's a great story that even had some positive messages: sometimes you have to sacrifice some of your dreams in order to do the right thing.
I appreciate the comments people have been leaving for me, and I think I should clarify something for a lot of you. Your comment won't appear right away when you post it because I have to approve the comments first. When you post a comment, I get an email letting me know someone has left a comment, then I can choose whether or not it appears, that way I don't have any weird people I don't know leaving random comments.
Tomorrow is game day at the church and we are going to go out and buy a new ball so we can play dodge ball - the kid who owned the ball we used before took it home, so we thought we should get our own. I think we're going to try playing using the rules from the movie Dodgeball (if you haven't seen it, wait and rent it, it was funny, but not quite worth the admission price). In the movie, if you catch the ball, not only is the thrower from the other team out, but the team that caught it gets to bring back in a player who is out. Jacob and I are hoping it will make for a lengthier game with more chances for kids to participate.
Dodgeball in the sanctuary = fun times.