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Random thoughts from the lovely and talented Shannon
Thursday, 24 June 2004
O Canada
We spent Monday and Tuesday of this week in Canada, which was a nice escape for a bit. On Monday we visited Point Pelee national park, and I stood at the most southern point of mainland in Canada. I also listened to the waves crashing on the lake shore and was slightly homesick for the ocean. We visited John's parents and sister Karen, who were great hosts. It was nice to just relax and read. I finished the first of my three books I have to read for school: "Hard Living People and Mainstream Christians" by Tex Sample. It is a great book that had tons of practical advice and insight for the kind of work John is doing here. On our way back "home" to Detroit, I got a little teary-eyed due to being a bit homesick.

We had a great pizza church on Tuesday night, we brought out a bunch of Bibles and taught the kids how to look up verses, and challenged them to memorize the order of the first four books of the New Testament - an easy task for the older ones, but challenging for the young ones. Thursdays are going to be game night at 4pm for the summer, and today went well for Jacob and I (John couldn't be there). We played elbow tag, and the kids had a blast. I had a good time watching them laugh and laugh. We gave out flyers and forms for our Bible school, and took a pile of flyers to the community centre across the street. This was a big step for Jacob and I! Today was the first time we've walked off the church grounds (and not driven off), and we went by ourselves. It really is safe there during the day, but I was too scared to go door-to-door handing out flyers, so we decided the community centre was enough.

For the Canadians out there, a friend sent me this link which is kind of cool: You take a quiz and it tells you which party you should vote for. Probably not a perfect way to decide how to vote, but an interesting quiz to take nonetheless.

Posted by shanneranner at 12:33 PM PDT
Updated: Thursday, 24 June 2004 7:46 PM PDT
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