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Random thoughts from the lovely and talented Shannon
Monday, 31 May 2004
leaving on a jet plane...
The bags are almost packed and I'm nearly ready to go. I probably shouldn't have left my packing to the last minute, but staying up late to finish will ensure that I am good and tired for the plane ride!

I felt the need to put something new here since there will hopefully be new folks perusing this blog after my mass email about it. I am as ready to go as I'll ever be. I did do some un-packing earlier when I realised I'd packed things I probably would never wear, which is silly. It is hard to pack light when you're going away for two months.

I hope I am able to keep this relatively up-to-date over the course of the summer. The odd email from folks looking for updates will probably push me to get writing.

Posted by shanneranner at 12:25 AM PDT
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Monday, 31 May 2004 - 5:52 AM PDT

Name: Shirley Smith


You are a wonder and delight.May God bless you as you journey.I wil be thinking of you and your mission and praying for it to be a life long experience and success in your ministry.

Love Shirley Smith

Monday, 31 May 2004 - 5:59 AM PDT

Name: Shirley Smith

Dear Shannon

I really enjoy your spirit of adventure and willingness to share your experience and learning.Thank you for emailing me about your experiences.
I will continue to hold you in my prayers

Shirley Smith

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